Created: Monday, 11 January 2021 Written by JSoccer Magazine

JSoccer Magazine Issue 30 - 2021 Calendar

Issue 30 of the magazine is on the streets!

Message This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details (both to be sure!)

JSoccer Magazine Issue 30 - 2021 Calendar

Issue 30 of the magazine is on the streets! The over star is Daigo Nishi - with an exclusive interview - and a 2021 calendar too! How to get your hands on issue 30, along with some special offers for the new issue, and the new year!


1) JSoccer Magazine 30 shipped within Japan for ¥1100 or worldwide US$12 (inc. shipping).   Jサッカーマガジン30号 1冊 ¥1,100. (税・送料込)
(Please note some overseas shipping destinations are experiencing delays)

2) JSoccer Magazine 30 - signed by Daigo Nishi - shipped within Japan for ¥2500 or worldwide US$24 (inc. shipping). Limited to 15 pieces only. First come, first served.     Jサッカーマガジン30号  西大伍選手 直筆サイン入り 1冊 ¥2,500. (税・送料込)

3) JSoccer Magazine 30 - signed by Daigo Nishi (signature not yet in picture) - with signed trading card (random selection of 10 available), ALL for ¥3900 / overseas US$49 (inc. shipping). 10 sets only! First come, first served.  Jサッカーマガジン30号 西大伍選手 直筆サイン入西大伍選手 直筆サイン入り直筆サイン入りランダムトレーディングカード1枚(トレーディングカードのご指定はできかねます)、1冊 ¥3,900. (税・送料込) こちらは10部限定!
(**pictured - free ticket for the Japan Football Museum, Tokyo ... NOW SOLD OUT)


4) JSoccer Magazine 30 posted within Japan and all 30 issues on PDF for ¥4000 (inc. shipping).
    Jサッカーマガジン30号1冊 (税・送料込) と、バックナンバー30冊分のPDF ¥4,000.
5) JSoccer Magazine - all 30 magazines on PDF for just ¥3000, 30 links for download to read all 30 issues!
    Jサッカーマガジン バックナンバー30冊分のPDF ¥3,000.

6) JSoccer Magazine MEGA-SET - issue 30 signed by Daigo, issue 29 signed by Jonjic (Cerezo), issues 1-28 (shipped in Japan only) ¥19,800.
    Jサッカーマガジン メガセット 30号 西大伍選手 直筆サイン入1冊、29号セレッソ大阪 マテイ・ヨニッチ選手直筆サイン入り1冊、バックナン 
    バー創刊号から28号までの28冊 ¥19,800 (税・送料込)
Select your item or package and pay directly, and send message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your address details, etc.

ご希望の番号をお選びになって、This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. までメールしてください。
Payment via PayPay - alangibsonkobe  ← ペイペイ
Payment via Paypal - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.← ペイパル

If bank payment, or other methods preferred please mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for full details, or with any questions.

Bank payment within Japan, UK or US also available.

Each item / set is available only while stocks last.

Hits: 6538