The Renofa Yamaguchi "Pajama Zombie Girl" is becoming quite well known in the lower reaches of Japanese Football as Renofa slowly establish themselves on the football ladder... JSoccer spoke to her, to see what it’s all about!

JSoccer: When did you start to make-up as a zombie? Was it only for football matches or did you do it before?

Pajama Zombie: I first did it four years ago. I did it for the first time at an event around Halloween. I guess I liked it!

JS: Why do you do it?

PZ: I thought that people who don't know Renofa might be interested and happy to see me on Social Media ,and perhaps become interested in the team, as well as in the Yamaguchi area.

JS: What do other supporters think of your make- up?

PZ: It’s always a great reaction, wherever I go!

 JS: Do you meet players in make-up? Is there a good reaction?

PZ: They were often surprised! Hidetoshi Miyuki (our number 29) said to me, "Is today, Halloween?"!

JS: Do you wear Zombie make-up anywhere else? Or only at football games?

PZ: I sometimes do the Zombie make-up at an event in a shopping mall, or at a festival.


JS: What are your hopes for Renofa Yamaguchi? ... and will you always be a zombie supporter?

PZ: I hope to see the team in J1! I want people to know more about Renofa. If the team continues to do OK, I'd like to continue as a Zombie!

JS: Who is your favourite player at Renofa now? And is there anyone else you watch particularly?

PZ: I like Masafumi Miyagi (number 2) and Naoto Ando (number 13). On the Japan national team I support Yuya Kubo.

JS: Have you watched football for a long time?

PZ: I have been playing football since I was at school, and I often watched games on TV.

JS: Do you have favourite players or another team before Renofa came along?

PZ: In the past my favorite players were Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi, Tsuneyasu Miyamoto and Tatsuhiko Kubo.

JS: Thank you VERY much for your time, and for your enthusiasm in promoting your own corner of Japanese Football, and the Yamaguchi area! Keep it up! We look forward to seeing you in a future issue of this magazine, supporting Renofa in J1!

Follow Pajama Zombie on Twiter @yamaguchizombie

 And here are some pictures of more "conventional" Renofa supporters



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